We gladly accept Purchase Order from all schools, government, corporation, or non-profit organization. We reserve the right to refuse any Purchase Orders.
To order with a purchase order or any questions, contact us below:
We need to have a copy of your purchase order emailed or faxed to us along with your order quote details.
We your emailed or faxed order is received we will create an invoice and send it to the billing address listed on your purchase order.
We will deliver or ship to you once production is completed.
*In order to process your purchase order we need the following items to insure that delivery, shipment and billing are processed correctly.
*We offer NET 30 TERMS on all our purchase orders
To pay by check, call 714-296-6166 or print your completed order invoice.
Your order will be processed once your check has cleared.
Please allow up to 5-7 working business days from the date we receive your check and completed order invoice.
Mail the check for the full order amount to:
5731 Citrus Ranch Circle. Yorba Linda, CA 92887